All About Website Localization

PISPL Team | October 20, 2020 | 2642

In this digital age, we all want information retention. Internet firms are looking for new and innovative techniques to appeal to their global users.

 That’s what the whole world is looking after. Website localisation is the solution to the above request. It’s the newest way to attract new traffic like never before.

Website localisation is an excellent blueprint to grow businesses substantially; that is making it accessible to a variety of public. Striking a connection at the very fundamental level of language could work wonders for an international corporation. Website localisation means designing and transforming the websites, making them more user-friendly for local communities.

Such features and designs include: 

  • Encryption algorithms
  • Hardware compatibility
  • Names, time, date, weights, measurements.
  • Entry fields and Hyperlinks
  • Image appropriateness
  • Form functionality
  • Shopping basket and item lists
  • Load time (A vital part for any e-site)

Linguistic alterations include:

  • Spelling errors, wrong use of words, punctuation errors
  • Grammatical mistakes
  • Presence of culturally insensitive elements
  • Inappropriate texts
  • Misuse of keywords
  • Readability and appeal of the message

Why website localization?

let’s Have a look at some statistics:

72% of customers give preference to websites in their native language.

Website visitors are four times more likely to purchase from a website in their language.

Surprising, isn’t it? Generally saying, viewers all across the globe will give a higher preference to the content of their language.

As a matter of fact, a fifth of web users speak Chinese; an 8% speak Spanish. Disappointingly, not even a 5% provide for the Spanish users, a mere 2% for the Chinese. What this means is that the majority of the net users have no choice but to opt for content in foreign vocabularies. In today’s era, we can’t compromise ourselves to target a limited set of viewers. Incorporating smart localisation strategies can advance local careers into overseas markets and open the gates for fresh opportunities. With multilingual websites, businesses can be propelled to new customers, caring for their culture and customs as well.

What is localization?

Localisation is a colossal front to take on. Just translating text to local languages, never does the job. All the minor details have to be kept in mind. The correlation between the programmers for the website and the translators for the content has to be meticulous. Just because a website is easily accessible over the Internet, doesn’t mean people will always buy it. People don’t like talking to robots.

Plain and boring information in alien words would never deliver the company’s motto.

Changing “Women shoes” to “女鞋” (women shoes in Chinese) on isn’t enough.

Localisation involves adding elements of native customs. This would make the experience more humanistic and natural. With all the information and instructions set in some foreign language, the viewers could feel a little overwhelmed.

Now one can’t rely on Google translator for this, can they?

How it works?

 Website localisation involves two teams: The developers for the website and The Translators for the content. The concord between the two groups is essential for delivering a decisive final product. The harmony between human expertise and automated software, go hand in hand to provide rich material with utmost accuracy.

  • Analysis of content:

 Each topic with headings, subheadings, highlighted words and bullets are noted down. The format is analysed, and translatable text is recorded.

The content is further organised in the following criterion:

Graphics and Multimedia: Images, audios and videos too require localisation. Obviously, the localisation platforms cant allow the text to be in one language while the image accompanying it, is in another. Thus the professionals make sure the media is modified accordingly. Suitable subtitles for videos, while matching captions for the image. Concisely, the viewers should be able to interpret the meaning of that media.

  • Currencies and technical units:

Conspicuous to say, the customers to do the math for converting the cost of products. All the professional units like length, weight and currencies are switched. Also, the dates are represented in the correct way for the local viewers.

Using word to word translations won’t produce the expected result. The correct terminology and vocabulary are needed for every language. Thus localisation agencies often use native translators to create a picture-perfect scene.

A more in-depth look into website localisation

Website localisation requires not only smooth and relevant translation of information but also to make the viewer feel at home. It’s essential to ensure that the web content is abiding cultural compassion. Translations put out by Google Translation will never suffice. The very fundamentals of a heritage, can’t be deciphered by an AI.

Let’s take a look at some more statistics:

72.1% of consumers spend most or all of their time on websites in their language

72.4% of consumers said they would be more likely to buy a product with information in their language.

This is a simple yet clear indication, as to why localisation is essential to enter global markets.

Regional SEO: The Game Changer

Whatever it is, that we search in Google, might be different on another search engine, on a different language. For instance: “Vacation Accessories” will sound good for an American user. For a British customer, “Holiday Supplies” will be a better fit. SEO localisation is a crucial aspect to cover, before entering foreign markets. For maximum efficiency, it is advised to abhor the exact translation of keywords. 

In China, people mostly surf on Baidu. In Russia, searches are most prevalent on Yandex. Thus, not only the terms vary, but even the search engines are also different. Hence, it becomes a necessity to certify the use of appropriate keywords, optimised for foreign vocabularies and search engines. To facilitate region-specific keywords, experts in localisation agencies perform an in-depth analysis. They will provide with apposite keywords which not only suit the global preferences but also match with local engines.

The localisation of SEO is an irrefutable factor of website translation. Examining the search-demands of the local search engines, using analytical tools to get the best-localised keywords; is essential.

Revamping the metadata and the external links also make an SEO friendly website.

Some salient features of SEO Localization:

  • URL localisation: Making URLs user friendly, which can be interpreted by the communities.
  • Title translation: Befitting titles, describing the products/services in local vocabularies.
  • Description translation: Comprehensive translation by native experts, striking the exact connection.
  • Keyword localisation: Localised keywords for a wealth of languages, for individual search engines.

Apart from designing the content befitting for an indigenous audience, it’s paramount to make sure the structure is legally abiding. Foreign markets have their own set of rules and web authorities. Thus, it’s necessary to keep the content well within the legal boundaries. Making the website secure and sensitive to the target viewers should be the topmost priority of any localization agency.

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